Donny’s granddaughters showing off their new packs

Customers are enjoying the custom made Kaleidoscopes

Our luggage weight limit was 25# each. Our Goosecases were very light & were perfect for our situation. We flew to Vancouver & took everything we needed for an entire week in the cases & put them in our overhead storage on the plane. No checked bags to worry with. There were 11 in our group & each one had the Widlgoose bag. A terrific product! The shoulder strap made carrying the bags through customs a breeze.

Our little friend Jace proudly wears his Cody Pack

A beautiful display of octagon fossil platters

A customer bought 2 fossil sinks full of ammonite & orthoceras fossils and built matching cabinets for them

A beautiful free-form ammonite fossil sink

A customer shows how many cards will fit in one of our front pocket wallets!