Guarantee on our Bags and Packs.
Wildgoose will repair or replace any bag which is factory defective for life. Just return item with a note explaining the defect and your contact information. We will repair or replace the item at no charge within 30 days after receipt. If repair is due to wear (they can wear out) or abuse we will repair (if possible) for cost plus a nominal charge. We will contact you with an estimate.
Guarantee on our Leathergoods.
Wildgoose will repair or replace any piece which is factory defective for up to 2 years from the purchase date. Just return item with proof of purchase date and a note explaining the defect. We will repair or replace the item at no charge within 30 days after receipt. If repair is past 2 year date or due to wear (they can wear out) or abuse we will repair (if possible) for cost plus a nominal charge. We will contact you with an estimate.